Saturday, October 3, 2009

Start the updating!

Okay so I have some time to finally update about wedding, and wedding events. The Thursday before the wedding I picked up my maid of honor Anne from the airport. She flew in all the way from Tennessee so I was really excited! We hadn't seen each other for two years which was the last time I went to Tennessee. There was some drama about her bag getting lost and after some time they figured out the importance of the situation (her dress was in her bag!) they found it fallen in the back. So I was nervous that when she got here that we would be so bored because I didn't think I had a lot planned for us to do. I was wrong.

I still had no shoes for the wedding so I thought that we would go shop at the Gateway mall because I don't make it up that way enough! We shopped bought other things, no shoes. After the Gateway mall we went to the Southtowne mall to make sure the shoes I got for her to wear fit the best. They did so then we went to my parent's house to see my mom. We chatted for a while then finally headed to my apartment to where Andrew was waiting for us. Well this same day Andrew's Tante Heide and Opa came into town as well. So his parents wanted to take them to the Foundry Grill up at Sundance to eat and invited us along too! It was very delicious! Then after that we went to Andrew's parents just to hang out. Keep in mind that we just had enough time to change then go eat. So really we didn't have any rest. And Anne had taken a VERY early flight from Memphis.

Me and Andrew

All of us eating at the Foundry Grill!

I would like to thank Tante Heide for taking most of the pictures for the wedding weekend. She was always taking a picture! I loved it!

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