Monday, March 8, 2010

Redoing our office! AND late Weekend Craft!

Ever since I got my sewing machine, I was in desperate need of some kind of table to do it on! I was just using my computer desk which was fine, but it was just so unorganized! So the desk that I already had was from IKEA and it was a shelf and then a desk put together. Really cheap! So I wanted to get another desk part of it and put it on the other side of the shelf! So the picture below shows what I had before. Our office needed some decoration too because we didn't have any at all! So I got to work!

I found this cute little project at IKEA probably a week or so ago next to all the fabrics! I immediately feel in love because since we live in a crappy apartment and cannot paint walls, I thought these would add some color/decoration!

So basically all you need to do it get one of these little kits from IKEA or use an old picture frame from DI or something! The kits were 4.99! Then you need to assemble them with the screws.

Then you need to cut out your fabric. I made two of these with 1 yard of fabric and had plenty of scraps! The fabric measured out to be 27" by 27" but I could have probably gone an inch shorter on each side and been fine!

It comes with all the screws and nails. So first you pull the fabric before you hammer the nail so the fabric is tight on the wood. Make sure you do two opposite sides first, then do the other sides!

Like this!

I don't have a picture for the next steps because I got ahead of myself but basically nail the rest of the nails all around it. And when you get to the edges you kind of have to pull and make a crease on the very edge of it to make it look right. This was pretty easy to figure out how to do! So then I added them above my sewing desk and my computer desk! Like this!

I am so in love with this! It looks so much better and I have so much more space for my little projects!

Oh and sorry I was late getting this weekend craft posted, I have no excuse! hah!


Holz55 said...

It looks really good, Brooke!

C said...

HELLO?! THIS WOULD LOOK FAB IN MY LIVING ROOM! THE FABRIC MATCHES MY DECOR PERFECTLY! You are gonna have to help me make this... but can we make it bigger?

Unknown said...

Love it, you are a very lucky lady.

Kimie & Alexa said...

Nice work! it looks really good :)