Friday, January 8, 2010

one pound lost

Although I decided that I am not going to post my weight and what I want to weigh and how much I lose every week, I weighed myself early this week to make sure I am on track and I have one 1 pound! hah. That is basically me just walking daily 4-5 miles because I want to start off SLOW that way I won't get burnt out. So this week I have been walking at a 3.0 incline and at a 3.5 pace. Next week I will bump it up to a 3.7 mile pace. Then the following week a 4.0 pace. Then I will bump it up to 4.5, then 5.0, then at 5.5 (what I normally start up as I will stick to that for a month. Then weekly bump it up .2 or something like that. That should keep me busy, then I'll figure what else later on. I haven't really started on the dieting because I haven't decided what to do yet. I don't want to completely take out certain foods that I eventually will come back to!

But the number one thing I have learned with this bodybugg thing is that I get NO sleep. Last night, attempted sleep: 9:36 , actual sleep: 5:25.....Seriously?! I just want a good 8 hours of continuous sleep!! Is that really too much to ask for?!?! I don't think so, while Andrew gets more than enough sleep.

So a week or two ago I wanted to figure out why I'm not getting enough sleep and I have self diagnosed myself with restless leg syndrome. Let me tell you why...I fidget like nothing else. I cannot keep still and I try really hard. I notice other people not having to move around like I do, but I cannot help it! I have tried. When I am trying to go to sleep Andrew laughs at me because I twitch and fidget and cannot stay still. The information that I found about restless leg syndrome says that people with this feel a tingle or a tickle or an itch and the only way to feel relief is to move or scratch or something to that effect. That is definitely what I feel!! They also can get TERRIBLE sleep because of it! Can you believe that I have been going through my whole life with terrible sleep and just now figuring this out!?! Well I would have ran to the doctor, but Andrew and I still have no health insurance which I think is the biggest mistake, but Andrew feels like we don't need it! Well now I do, because I need to get this fixed because I think they can help me! Okay sorry I went off on a tangent, but I cannot help it. I just want to feel well rested because I usually only get 6 hours and one time since Christmas I got 7 hours and 30 minutes but I was laying down for over 10!!

Maybe I will write about something more exciting, but please comment and tell me if any of you feel the same way?! I know people read this thing from my site stalker thingy!! So comment!!


C said...

You could also have sleep apnea... my doctor told me that everyone thinks only overweight people can get this, but it can occur in anyone and there are a lot of women your age who have it and it goes undiagnosed.

Kimie & Alexa said...

man that sucks! well I hope you get it figured out! Tyson and I don't have health insurance either and I agree that it's a bad idea! you and I both gotta get it soon! it just sucks to pay for

Alisha Sowards said...

When I was pregnant I had restless leg a lot too. My doctor told me that a lot of times extra iron and potassium will help. So I started taking an iron supplement and it actually worked. Maybe it will for you too.